UniAthena ECTS

ECTS is a credit transfer system used in European countries to facilitate transparent and recognized academic qualifications. It enables students to easily move between countries and supports the planning and evaluation of higher education programs.

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European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System ECTS

European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) ECTS is designed to make it easier for students to move between countries and to have their academic qualifications and study periods abroad recognised.

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool introduced by the countries in European Higher Education Area in order to make the education system more flexible and transparent. Its makes student life easier when it comes to move between countries and to have their academic qualifications and study periods abroad equalized and recognised.

ECTS allows credits taken at one higher education institution to be counted towards a qualification studied for at another. ECTS credits represent learning based on defined learning outcomes and their associated workload. 60 ECTS credits are the equivalent of a full year of study or work. In a standard academic year, these credits are usually broken down into several smaller modules. So a three year Bachelor's Degree carries 180 ECTS and a one year Master Degree carries 60 ECTS credits ECTS enhances the flexibility of study programmes for students. It also supports the planning, delivery and evaluation of higher education programmes. It is a central tool in the Bologna Process, which aims to make national education systems more comparable. The Bologna Process is a mechanism of promoting intergovernmental cooperation between 48 European countries in the field of higher education. ECTS also helps make other documents, such as the Diploma Supplement, clearer and easier to use in different countries. ECTS has been adopted by most of the countries in the European Higher Education Area as the National Credit System and is increasingly used elsewhere.

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