about us

1.    Introduction

The Distance Learning Policy of UniAthena establishes the framework for the delivery of high-quality distance education programs spanning professional certifications to academic degrees. It ensures that all online courses meet the same rigorous academic standards as traditional on-campus courses and provide a supportive and effective learning environment for all students.

2.    Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Provide guidelines for the development, delivery, and evaluation of distance learning courses.
  • Ensure equal access to educational resources and support services for all distance learning students.
  • Maintain academic integrity and high educational standards in distance learning environments.

3.    Scope

This policy applies to all distance learning programs, courses, faculty, and students at UniAthena. It covers all forms of distance education, including fully online.

4.    Definitions

  • Distance Learning: Education that occurs when students and instructors are separated by time and/or physical space and utilise technology to interact and complete learning activities. 
  • Asynchronous Learning: Learning activities that do not require real-time interaction and allow students to access and complete coursework at their own pace.

5. Responsibilities 


  • Provide necessary technological infrastructure and resources.
  • Ensure compliance with accreditation and regulatory standards.
  • Support faculty and student needs in the distance learning environment.


  • Develop and deliver quality distance learning courses.
  • Engage in professional development for online teaching.
  • Provide timely feedback and support to students.


  • Participate actively in distance learning activities.
  • Adhere to the UniAthena's academic and technical requirements.
  • Seek support when needed to ensure successful learning outcomes.

6. Course Development and Delivery

  • Course Design: Courses align with university learning outcomes and standards. Use instructional design principles that foster engagement, interactivity, and accessibility.
  • Technology Requirements: Courses utilise UniAthena's approved Learning Management System (LMS) and other sanctioned digital tools. Provide technical specifications and support for both faculty and students.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Use a variety of assessment methods to measure student learning. Ensure assessments are fair, reliable, and valid. Provide timely and constructive feedback.
  • Ensuring the Quality of Digital Learning: We are committed to providing a high-quality experience to our students in the online/distance learning environment. The course structure and content; as defined in the course handbook (Academic courses) or course information guide(short courses) will endeavour to ensure:
    • Learning material is accessible, inclusive, relevant and current.
    • Learning materials relate to the intended learning outcomes of the course/unit and to the needs of distance learners and this is clearly signposted to students.
    • Learning materials are of a high standard, presented in a structured and easily navigable manner and encourage student engagement.
    • Learning materials adhere to copyright restrictions.
    • Complex ideas are presented in multiple supporting formats and a multi-media approach is adopted which engages students and supports different
      approaches to learning.
    • Activities promote enquiry, collaboration, enterprise and contextualization.
    • Activities prompt critical reflection and review, consolidate learning and contribute to students’ wider skills’ development.
    • Activities create opportunities for students to link theory and practice.
    • Further relevant reading and development opportunities are signposted.
    • A safe online learning environment where ground rules will be set for both face-to-face and online delivery, safeguarding both staff and students at all times.
    • Abuse of staff or peers for either face-to-face or online is not tolerated and we will implement its disciplinary policy where needed.
    • As full digital induction is provided for students to ensure safe use and competency.
    • Standardisation, internal and external verification will take place to ensure awarding body standards are met. This can take place remotely or via digital means if face-to-face is not possible ensuring deadlines are met.
  • Monitoring of Progress
    • Formative assessment will take place that will be tracked by the college to show progress.
    • Formative assessment will be tracked on shared portals accessible to both staff and students.
    • For most courses work will be uploaded onto online portals. Work will be assessed electronically and feedback/feedforward given via digital means directly through online marking.
    • All work is time and date stamped through these digital means to ensure compliance with deadlines set.
    • Delivery team are responsible for communicating and adhering to any specific awarding body rules around submission of work, retake or re-sits.
  • Assessment
    • Summative assessment will take place in accordance with the awarding body regulations/requirements and will be tracked electronically on shared platforms 
    • Summative assessment will be in line with the awarding body time scales.
    • Summative assessment can be either, but not exclusively, a formal written exam, online exam, verbal exam, practical assessment of portfolio of evidence.
    • In the case of a formal exam, either written or online, the Academic team will communicate the arrangements for the assessment. 
    • The Academic team is responsible for ensuring that if exam access arrangements are required, We have all the correct documentation in order to process the request in a timely fashion for the expected exam and put all necessary arrangements in place.
    • It is the responsibility of the learners to provide all the requested documentation in order to process the access arrangements request.
    • Summative assessment will be communicated to students by the Academic Team following confirmation of grading from awarding bodies.

7. Student Support

  • Accessibility: Ensure all online materials are accessible to students and other relevant legislation.
  • Academic Support: Provide access to online tutoring, library resources, and academic advising services.
  • Technical Support: Offer robust technical support to assist students with the LMS and other online tools. Provide resources such as FAQs, tutorials, and help desks.

8. Quality Assurance

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of distance learning programs. Use student and faculty feedback to inform improvements. Ensure courses meet UniAthena's quality standards.
  • Professional Development: Generate continuous professional development opportunities for faculty to enhance their online teaching skills and stay updated with best practices in distance education.
  • Academic Integrity: Promote academic integrity through the use of plagiarism detection software, secure testing environments, and clear academic honesty policies.

9. Communication

Feedback Mechanisms: Establish mechanisms for collecting feedback from students and faculty on their distance learning experiences to continuously improve the quality of education.

10. Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed as needed to ensure it remains current with technological advancements, educational best practices, and regulatory requirements. Revisions will be made as necessary.

11. Compliance

All faculty, staff, and students must comply with this policy. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary actions as per institutional guidelines.