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Roles and Responsibilities of Academic Staff


  • A Course Leader will be appointed for each academic programme delivered by the UniAthena. A Course Leader will be responsible for the planning, organization and administration of the programme, and will assume academic leadership, course planning and delivery strategies for the whole programme. 
  • Will head the course/programme to ensure its smooth planning, conduct, assessments and quality requirements of the programme. 
  • Facilitate reply of acceptance or rejection of applications for entry into the programme and advise on the admission of students. 
  • Arrange for new staff induction/training for those involved in the delivery of the program. 
  • Handle students’ issues, requests and other academic or administrative matters which may come to him/ her on a regular basis.
  • Maintain all minutes, reports and records pertaining to the conduct and management of the programme.
  • Investigate minor issues/problems and complaints raised by students or staff and giving advice on general matter relating to the programme. 
  • Ensure that student records are properly maintained by course administrators and counsellors. 
  • Implement all relevant Board of Examiners/ Assessment Board decisions pertaining to the programme. 
  • Advising the Academic Head on all matters relating to resources required for the programme and its development. 
  • Ensuring the course is conducted in accordance to the quality regulations and requirements set by the Awarding Body/ University.


  • Faculty earmarked for a course/ module within the course will ensure that the course/ module schedule is made ready at least one month in advance.
  • The schedule thereafter will be sent to all concerned students with the help of Course Administrator, minimum three weeks in advance from start of the course/ module.
  • Lesson plan for the module will be prepared by the faculty and all his/ her presentations/ materials put on LMS for students to view and access the same. This will be done at least one week prior to the beginning of the module.
  • Assignment brief will be made ready minimum two weeks before start of the module. The same will be sent to the Internal Verifier and Lead Verifier for their review including filling up of the IV Form by them and allowing the faculty to release the assignment brief on time. 
  • If there is any change required in the assignment brief, the same will be communicated to the faculty, who will make the changes and forward the same again for internal verification. The assignment should be ready for release ideally one week in advance to start of the module and will be put on LMS for students’ perusal.
  • The faculty will conduct an initial orientation of the course/ module during his/ her first class and explain the assignment brief to the students. 
  • Classes will be conducted as per the laid down schedule and the assignment requirements, including other activities/ case studies, will be discussed in classes for students 360 degree comprehension of the module taught to them. 
  • The assignments by students will be put on LMS by the due date by the students. 
  • In case of any compassionate/ health problem not allowing the student to submit his/ her assignment on time, he/ she will fill follow the Extenuating Circumstances guidelines, explaining the reason of non- submittal of assignment with evidence. The same will be approved by the concerned faculty/ course leader. 
  • One Resubmission chance will be given to students who fail to pass in any mandatory assessment criteria/ or the minimum pass marks; the faculty concerned will motivate and render all help to the student, to enable him/ her to pass in the module. 
  • The faculty will thereafter assess all submitted students’ assignments and upload the feedback on LMS. 
  • The Internal Verifier (IV) will sample 25% of assignments for the internal verification process. He/ she will see that the assessment decisions are fair before uploading all assignments back on LMS. The IV will also fill up the requisite IV Forms of the sampled student's assessed work. 
  • The students now will be able to review the feedback and grades on the work submitted by them.
  • If a student has a complaint or wants to appeal against the assessed decision, he/ she has to follow the Appeals & Complaints Policy. 


  • The Course Administrator will ensure that all registrations of students are done properly through the UniAthena CRM system and all relevant documents and application forms are filled in correctly. 
  • He will also ensure that all documents as per the registration checklist are submitted by the new student; in case of a problem, will apprise the Academic Counselors to acquire the documents before the start of the course/ module. 
  • The Course Administrator will create a batch on LMS and give access to the new students by issuing their username and password to them. 
  • He will ensure that the course/ module schedule is forwarded to all concerned students minimum three weeks in advance to start of the course/ module. 
  • The Course Administrator will ensure that one week prior to the beginning of the course all relevant documents, presentations, assignment brief, etc. are put on to LMS. In case of any problem, he will immediately inform the faculty, as well as the Course Leader. 
  • He will during the conduct of every class be present at the classroom venue for students to interact with and sort out any administrative issues/ problems they may be facing. 
  • The Course Administrator will respond to the queries/ issues of every student within 24 hours and apprise them of the outcome. 
  • He will route any Extenuating Circumstance received by him to the concerned faculty/ course leader for his/ her approval. 
  • The Course Administrator will help out the students facing any technical glitch on LMS while accessing documents or submitting their assignments. 
  • After students’ submissions of assignments’ on LMS, he will get a report of the number of students who have submitted their assignments. He will get in touch with others who could not submit and apprise the faculty and course leader of the same.