This Policy provides a framework to support the development of the Curriculum and within it the provision of effective learning and teaching. It details the nature and scope of the educational experiences and opportunities provided by UniAthena.
A major priority has been to continue to raise the profile of the College in the local community by offering academic Business courses to school leavers and others with appropriate work experience. We also offer business training solutions to local employers.
This Policy sets out the principles, aims and procedures for delivering the Curriculum. This is derived from the College strategy and vision focused on the provision of high-quality learning and teaching. It reflects the College commitment to meet the expectations, needs and aspirations of each and every student. Continuous quality enhancement is thus a key aim. Our Curriculum is focused to offer a balanced range of focused Modules, where outcomes are determined by the achievement of learning outcomes.
The Policy provides a framework for both academic and administrative staff, and covers the formal and informal learning opportunities provided for UniAthena students.
In the provision of learning and in all other related areas the College is guided by the UK Quality Code. This specific Policy relates to a number of aspects of the Quality Code.
Our approach to quality assurance is focused and effective. We believe that quality is about how we build our expertise and capacity to improve, and using those developments to enhance the quality of the student learning experience.
Quality assurance is a continuous cycle of self- assessment and target setting for new and interesting challenges to help us make improvements, and enhance the provision. It is reflected in the UniAthena committee structure (Quality Assurance Academic Committee, Student Welfare Committee, etc.) with a number of areas having quality assurance as a primary focus.
At the end of each academic year UniAthena reviews the Curriculum in line with national and local trends in higher education. The outcome of this review determines how the Curriculum is shaped and delivered in the following year. We thus ensure a fit-for- purpose learning environment, which puts the student at the centre of everything we do.
• Devise and review learning plans which address key issues and identify future development needs, including: teaching and learning objectives, personal development planning, systems review and development, student and staff feedback, assessment methods, inclusiveness, added value and use of ICT.
• Enhance the quality of teaching and learning by continuous monitoring of the provision and standards, through evaluation of staff, student and stakeholder feedback.
• Develop and implement rigorous review and feedback mechanisms that support progression and track student progress, retention and achievement.
• Maintain a Curriculum that meets student, employer, local, national and international needs.
Class/Peer Observation
Curriculum Planning Evaluation
Activities Learning
Retention/Progres sion
Programme Reviews
Class Observation /Peer Observation
Awarding Organisations
Strategic objectives of Curriculum Policy
1. Provision of effective learning experience to the students across all the programmes.
2. Improving student’s performance and results though effective course design, delivery and academic support on all programmes.
3. Improving student retention ratio and enabling conditions for progression to the degree programmes.
4. Developing staff skills and competencies by identifying their developmental needs.
Enrichme nt & Welfare ICT/Lear ning
Resource Curriculum Planning
Post Evaluation Review/readjustments
Design/Deli very
Collaboration / Progression arrangements
Recruitment CPD
Assessment Analysis (students work)
Internal Verification
Unit Feedback Analysis
The Learning and Teaching Policy contributes to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the College, and at the same time provides guidelines in establishing effective operational practices in its implementation.
Curriculum planning is a strategic process that involves a review and evaluation of the current Curriculum, and within that a process to identify opportunities for enhancement. The Curriculum leaders develop a vision of the future Curriculum. This will involve an evaluation of existing strengths and weaknesses, justification for change and what needs to happen to achieve the objectives.
The critical factors include providing a qualification that meets student and sector demand, interests and needs across local, national and international markets. This should:
• Enable students to progress to higher qualifications on the ladder of lifelong learning;
• Offer opportunities to school prospective learners, particularly those with vocational qualifications who wish to study;
• Offer opportunities to change careers or return to work;
• Attract employees seeking to enhance their education and skills;
• Design courses that give students a range of study options and delivery modes;
• Embed the College Equality and Diversity Policy.
The Curriculum planning schedule maps out the journey to show how the College will identify, prioritise and organise the Curriculum.
The key activities and documents are:
• Academic Calendar.
• Course planners.
• Course Timetables.
• Systems and Resources.
• Review and adapt quality and tracking systems.
• Teaching Observations and peer observations.
Review staff resources and capabilities:
• Review all learning resources and acquire new material;
• Communication and Course Development;
• Consultation and communication with principal teaching staff.
Allocate responsibilities in each subject area for designing schemes of work, including assessment and grading records/tools:
• Consultation and review of proposed schemes of work and remedial action planning;
• Induction programmes developed to meet the needs of the expected student groups/individuals.
• Identification of staff training needs and plans to address these needs.
UniAthena is linked with a number of other creditable universities and awarding organisations as follows:
• Universidad Catolica De Murcia, Spain
• Guglielmo Marconi University, Italy
• Scottish Qualification Authority, UK
• Cambridge International Qualifications, UK
Our partnership and accreditation status is regularly updated on our website at https://www.athena.edu/PartnersAccreditation
The College is committed to improving and enhancing the learning experience. The aims of the learning experience enhancement objectives include to:
• Enhance opportunities for the personal development of each student, both within and outside the Curriculum, to support their progression into employment, further study or to enhance their potential for career progression;
• Improve physical learning and virtual learning spaces to enhance the students’ learning experience;
• Enhance the excellence of teaching through continued professional development;
• Enhance practice and provide new opportunities contributing to improving retention, progression and attainment of students.
The College, like other Higher Education providers, utilises the QAA guidelines on effective learning. This is that effective learning occurs when students are enabled to:
• Engage actively in learning, and participate fully in the learning opportunities that are presented to them;
• Embrace the aims and expectations of their chosen programme of study;
• Demonstrate understanding of, and an ability to reflect upon, the ways in which their skills and knowledge are developing;
• Recognise and value their existing knowledge and skills, and build upon them;
• Make effective and responsible use of advice, guidance and feedback from formative and summative assessment that is provided during their programme of study;
• Avail themselves of the opportunities to acquire and develop learning skills;
• Understand sound academic practice and behave with integrity;
• Contextualise and apply their developing knowledge and skills to their wider experience and plans for the future;
• Act responsibly in planning their use of the resources available to support learning, including the effective use of their own time in independent study;
• Give constructive feedback on their perception of the quality of their learning experience;
• Engage in monitoring and influencing the curriculum;
• Show commitment to attaining the academic standards that have been defined for their programme of study.
Learners on all programmes are encouraged to develop the following skills during their programme of study:
• Cognitive skills of critical thinking, analysis and synthesis;
• Effective problem solving and decision making using appropriate quantitative and qualitative skills, including identifying, formulating and solving business problems;
• Effective communication, oral and in writing, using a range of media widely used in business;
• Preparation and presentation of business reports;
• Numeric and quantitative skills including data analysis, interpretation and extrapolation; the use of models of business problems and phenomena;
• Effective use of communication and information technology for business applications;
• Effective self-management in terms of time, planning and behaviour, motivation, selfstarting;
• Individual initiative and enterprise;
• Developing an appropriate learning style;
• Self-awareness, openness and sensitivity to diversity in terms of people, cultures, business and management issues;
• Effective performance within a team environment including leadership, team-building;
• Influencing and project-management skills;
• Interpersonal skills of effective listening, negotiating, persuading and presentation;
• Abilities to conduct research into business and management issues.
13.1 Library
The College has access to a highly specialised on-line library. It is equipped with books, magazines and study material relevant to the courses offered. It also offers regularly updated on-line course and self-study material.
13.2 Online Learning Resources
This facility allows students and staff to communicate outside the classroom. Assignments, study material, etc. can be uploaded to/downloaded from this online learning site.
13.3 Retention and Progression Improvement
The objective of a year-on-year improvement in retention and progression rates can be achieved by appropriate course design, effective and efficient programme delivery, high quality formative and summative assessment, and regular programme review.
13.4 Academic Board End of Year Results Approval Process
Following the Curriculum Review Process, the Academic Board will meet to discuss the success and achievement rates. The results approval process evaluates the College’s performance and makes tactical decisions about operational matters:
• Analysis and approval of success and achievement data;
• Evaluation of end of year course reviews;
• Evaluation of final verification of assessment results;
• Review of the course offer and suitability for inclusion moving forward.
13.5 Course Design
The structure and content of all undergraduate programmes fit QAA approved Subject Benchmarks.
Course handbooks on-line are designed with all programme details included. This includes programme structure; credit value; information about the awarding body; mandatory and optional Modules; key centre staff members involved in the delivery and management of resources at UniAthena.
The Module content is analysed and teaching material is prepared. The sequence and pattern of content delivery is planned and organised.
Assessment briefs of all Modules are prepared. The developed assessment briefs are verified by an experienced staff member (internal moderator) prior to external scrutiny. The sequencing and pattern of delivery of Modules are produced on a termly and yearly basis. Submission dates (both formative and summative) and submission procedures are planned.
The external examiner also has a key role in reviewing draft assignment for suitability, plus a review of student submissions to ensure appropriate standards are achieved.
14.1 Core Practices
The provider ensures that students who are awarded qualifications have the opportunity to achieve standards beyond the threshold level that are reasonably comparable with those achieved in other UK providers
14.2 Common Practices
The provider reviews its core practices for quality regularly and uses the outcomes to drive improvement and enhancement.
15.1 Core Practices
• The provider designs and/or delivers high-quality courses.
• The provider has sufficient appropriately qualified and skilled staff to deliver a
• High-quality academic experience.
• The provider has sufficient and appropriate facilities, learning resources and student support services to deliver a high-quality academic experience.
• The provider actively engages students, individually and collectively, in the quality of their educational experience.
15.2 Common Practices
• The provider reviews its core practices for quality regularly and uses the outcomes to drive improvement and enhancement.
• The provider’s approach to managing quality takes account of external expertise.
• The provider engages students individually and collectively in the development, assurance and enhancement of the quality of their educational experience.