about us


  • Conflict of interest may occur between the Faculty/ Assessors, the IVs and Course Administrators, wherein any one entity may try and help a student unreasonably due to vested interests.
  • The role of Lead IV here will assume great significance, since he/ she will be responsible to see that there is no unreasonable advantage given to any student during assessment or IV or during upkeep of records.
  • If any discrepancy is found in relation to conflict of interest of any one or more members of the staff dealing with students’ assignments, the matter will be referred to the Academic Director. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if such a connivance is found, also it will be ensured that no student has been disadvantaged in the bargain.
  • If there is a disagreement between the Faculty/Assessor and the IV, it will be resolved internally by Lead IV and the final outcome recorded in the IV Forms.


  • No-one with a personal interest in the outcome of an assessment will be involved in the assessment process. This will include any/ all personnel having conflict of interest while assessing or verifying a student’s assignment, who is related or a close friend of the faculty/ assessor, or the internal verifier or any invigilator.
  • If a faculty/ assessor, or the internal verifier or any invigilator feels that he/ she has a conflict of interest in assessment/ verification/ invigilation of a student’s assignment, he/ she should immediately inform the centre about the same.