Interview With Emmanuel Fomba
Interview With Emmanuel Fomba

"I believe lifelong learning concepts need to be a priority on every business leader's agenda. Encouraging your employees to stay curious and eliminating any negative conceptions they may have by trusting them and giving them reasons to trust you"

Emmanuel Amara Vandi Fomba
National Managing Director

Student of Executive MBA 2020 Batch

Tell us about yourself, your family and your interests.

When a crisis happens and times are tough it can be easy to lose focus on the importance of supporting and growing a strong corporate culture. The vision for the company can become blurred due to sudden change, communication can reduce due to higher workloads, the work environment can become dispersed due to remote working, and individual autonomy can be sacrificed for company-wide decisions.

Although sudden changes to strategy and adjustment of priorities may be required, it is important not to lose focus on supporting the strong culture that took time and great effort to build. As you know, your people hold the solutions to the problems your business is facing - and you will be trusting them to turn things around.

A neglected culture increases turnover rates, decreases employee productivity and reduces your chance of being able to attract the best talent - exactly what you don’t need when your organisation is in the midst of a tricky period.

How have the current global challenges affected your work/industry and what precautions/corrective measures have you taken?

Beyond encouraging your employees to thrive and stay with you, your culture is also important when it comes to hiring talent. It can contribute towards you attracting a diverse range of professionals who will help your business navigate this difficult landscape.

Increasingly, job seekers are making the final decision of whether or not to accept an offer based on the company's culture and if they see themselves 'fitting in'.

In order to keep hold of and hire the best talent, your company culture needs to be enticing and exciting to job seekers and inspiring for existing employees so that it drives them to want to work as hard as possible for the company.

How do you think digitization is going to influence your work/industry?

Defining corporate culture is difficult and measuring it is even harder. In short, it’s the values, beliefs and attitudes that guide actions within a company.

Having a concrete vision of what you want your organisation to represent makes it a better place to work; your cultural dynamic is of utmost importance to employees’ happiness. It increases your appeal to clients as well!

Does the course you are studying at Athena helping you to achieve your goals? Does it have a direct impact on the business or job you do? If yes, please elaborate.

Beyond employee wellbeing, company culture has also been shown to have a tremendous effect on companies' financial performances. Managing workplace culture is a critical business function nowadays and in summary, a strong and positive workplace culture is believed to:

Do you have any message for young people who are at the beginning of their career?

Ways to maintain a strong company culture during tough times So you know what corporate culture is and a bit about why it's so important to preserve, but how can you go about it?

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