Saseeban Kundumany
Interview with Saseeban Kundumany

"I find the Global MBA programme flexible, affordable, and, most importantly, it holds global recognition. I firmly believe the course work of the programme will equip me with the skills to shine in my current role and to move up the career ladder."

Saseeban Kundumany
Project Accountant
59 Project Management Inc

Global MBA Batch 2023

Please tell us about yourself.

I am Saseeban Kundumany; I am currently working as a Project Finance Controller and have over 7 years of experience. I started my career in the construction industry. I have worked on residential projects as well as extensive railway and road projects.

What drew you to the programme you are studying at UniAthena? Do you think it would help you realize your career goals? 

I was searching for a Post graduate programme that could be completed despite working full-time. I landed on this Global MBA programme offered by UniAthena in collaboration with the prestigious Abertay University. I find it flexible, affordable, and, most importantly, widely recognized. I firmly believe the coursework of the programme will equip me with the skills to shine in my current role and to move up the career ladder.

What would you like to learn next?

I am expecting to learn all the requisite skills required for managerial ranks or senior roles, and I believe I will acquire those pertinent skills and knowledge in this program.

What are your next career steps?

I am aiming for a senior management position where I can analyze data, spot market trends, assess business needs, and make informed decisions for my Organization.  

How has your academic journey prepared you for your career?

I have acquired multiple skills through my bachelor’s degree education, which helped me enter the market and find a role that suits my skills and expectations and aligns with my career path. With the skills and experience that I gained from different roles over these years, I am well prepared to take on more challenges, and I expect that these MBA modules, in line with the industry landscape, will equip me with more skills to conquer business challenges.

Tell us about a time you planned and accomplished a challenging goal.

I have accomplished a few challenging goals in my career and academic journey; one of such is completing the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. As a full-time working professional, it was hard for me to find time to prepare for that exam; however, I have planned well, prioritized my tasks, managed my time in an effective manner, and committed myself to studying for this exam. I was able to successfully complete and pass the exam with a meticulous A grade.

Considering all the people you've met in your field, what personal attributes do you believe are essential for success?

I believe honesty and hard work are the two most important attributes for anyone who wants to be successful in their career and  life in general. I've seen many talented professionals fail; they weren't as successful as their less talented counterparts because they weren't prepared to do hard work and were not honest with their roles or diligent. 

Describe a time you stepped outside your comfort zone and demonstrated leadership skills.

I have undertaken many challenges in my career. One of them is that I took on the responsibility to train the new recruits in my team without any explicit direction from the team leader. I have taken this responsibility on my shoulders on top of my everyday tasks, because neither my team leader nor my co-workers expressed any interest in training them. Our team was short staffed, and we were desperately waiting for some to help us with the workload and continue running the business as efficiently as possible. Consequently, under my guidance and training, the new team members were able to learn systems and processes much faster than expected. They were able to help us run the department without any interruptions.

Which book would you recommend as a must-read for everyone, and why?

I am not an avid book reader, but I would recommend any book that educates about financial knowledge because, in order to survive and thrive, as well as run a successful business in today’ market, it calls for a good understanding of the current financial system, different financial intuitions, vendors, and various financial products. 

What is your dream job, and why?

I don't have a dream job in particular, but I dream of a job that challenges me, motivates me to learn more, and at the same time allows me to maintain an ideal work-life balance.

Do you have any message for professionals just starting out in their careers?

My message to professionals just starting out their careers is not to get settled in a job assuming that they have already learned everything. In the current competitive world, they should always be open and motivated to learn new skills, eager to learn from anyone, and willing to take on new challenges. 

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