Interview with Jermaine Preville
Interview with Jermaine Preville

"My managing director introduced me to UniAthena. Given my role as an Accounts Clerk, I decided to take a course. Since then, I’ve been promoted to Accounts Officer with more responsibilities. I’ve used other platforms before, but UniAthena's content seemed more authentic and beneficial for my career advancement."

Jermaine Preville
Accounts Officer
St. Lucia National Housing Corporation
Saint Lucia

Executive Diploma in Management Accounting

Please tell us about yourself.

My name is Jermaine Preville, I'm 50 years old, and I'm from St. Lucia in the Caribbean. I work as an Accounts Officer at the St. Lucia National Housing Corporation.

What drew you to the programme you are studying at UniAthena? Do you think it would help you realize your career goals?

My managing director introduced me to UniAthena. Given my role as an Accounts Clerk, I decided to take a course. Since then, I’ve been promoted to Accounts Officer with more responsibilities. I’ve used other platforms before, but UniAthena's content seemed more authentic and beneficial for my career advancement.

Describe a time you stepped outside your comfort zone and demonstrated leadership skills.

In January, our department was assigned a new task that none of us knew how to tackle. After experimenting with different methods, I figured out a solution by the end of the day. My supervisor commended me, saying, "That's the kind of people I like working with me, those who take initiative to get things done."

Do you have any message for professionals just starting out in their careers?

For those starting their careers: no matter your education or the prestige of your school, never believe you know everything. Keep your mind open, as there is always something new to learn every day.

What is your dream job, and why?

My dream job was to be a fireman because I’ve always enjoyed helping people. Although I have passed the age for pursuing that dream, I still carry the desire to assist others, which initially inspired my career choice.

Considering all the people you've met in your field, what personal attributes do you believe are essential for success?

I believe having a positive attitude and a willingness to learn are crucial. When you encounter people who are more knowledgeable than you, don’t compete with them; instead, learn from them.

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