Sustainability: The New Tool in Real Estate

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23 January, 2024

In the landscape of office real estate, the year 2023 marked a profound transformation as sustainability took center stage, revealing an 83% surge in green office stock compared to its 2016 counterpart. This revelation stems from a comprehensive report jointly conducted by KPMG India and Colliers, shedding light on the substantial strides the industry has made towards environmentally conscious practices.

The report, titled "Sustainable Real Estate: An Opportunity to Leverage," delves into the multifaceted dimensions of this transformative shift in the office real estate sector. It encapsulates not only the quantitative growth observed but also the qualitative impacts on emissions and operational costs associated with green buildings.

One of the pivotal findings of the report underscores the remarkable environmental benefits tied to the adoption of sustainable practices in office real estate. Specifically, green buildings were identified as catalysts for change, capable of yielding a noteworthy 35% reduction in emissions. This quantifiable reduction in carbon footprint is a testament to the positive impact that sustainable design and operational practices can have on mitigating climate change.

Furthermore, the report illuminates a compelling economic argument in favor of the sustainable real estate. It underscores that green buildings can contribute to a substantial 20% reduction in maintenance costs. This revelation not only challenges conventional notions that sustainability comes at a premium but also positions eco-friendly structures as financially prudent choices for long-term investments. The intersection of environmental stewardship and economic sensibility becomes a compelling narrative for stakeholders within the real estate industry.

The surge in green office stock is indicative of a broader paradigm shift within the industry, wherein sustainability is no longer a peripheral consideration but a central tenet of development. Developers and businesses are recognizing the imperative to align their practices with ecological responsibility, as evidenced by the substantial growth in sustainable office spaces.

The collaborative effort between KPMG India and Colliers in producing this report underscores the interdisciplinary nature of addressing sustainability challenges. The synergy between financial expertise and real estate acumen is a testament to the holistic approach required to navigate the complexities of sustainable development. It also highlights the shared commitment of industry leaders to delve into crucial issues and collaboratively shape a more sustainable future.

The report's title, "Sustainable Real Estate: An Opportunity to Leverage," encapsulates the underlying sentiment that sustainability is not merely an obligation but a strategic avenue for growth and innovation. It frames the paradigm shift towards sustainability as an opportunity—one that businesses and developers can leverage to gain a competitive edge in an evolving market landscape.

In conclusion, the 2023 report by KPMG India and Colliers signifies a pivotal moment in the trajectory of office real estate. The substantial growth in green office stock, coupled with the tangible benefits of reduced emissions and lower maintenance costs, paints a compelling picture of a sector embracing sustainability as a cornerstone for future development. This report serves as a roadmap for industry stakeholders, providing insights into the potential of sustainable real estate as both an ethical imperative and a lucrative opportunity.

How to find work-life balance as a researcher

The life of a researcher is often romanticized as a thrilling quest for knowledge, fueled by caffeine and passion. However, the reality can be a demanding desert of deadlines, experiments, and grant proposals. While the pursuit of discovery is undeniably rewarding, neglecting your well-being can lead to burnout, compromising both your research and personal life. So, how do researchers navigate this arid landscape and find work-life balance?

  • Prioritize Ruthlessly: Researchers often juggle multiple projects and deadlines. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, learn to prioritize ruthlessly. Identify the most critical tasks and focus your energy on those first. Delegate or postpone less urgent tasks, and don't be afraid to say no to additional commitments when your plate is full.

  • Schedule Your Life, Not Just Your Work: Treat your personal life with the same respect you give your research schedule. Block time in your calendar for activities that bring you joy and replenish your energy, whether it's exercise, spending time with loved ones, or simply reading a good book.

  • Embrace Flexible Schedules: The traditional 9-to-5 doesn't always work for the research life. Experiment with flexible schedules that fit your biorhythms and productivity peaks. Early mornings or late nights might be your most productive times, so don't feel obligated to stick to rigid hours.

  • Set Boundaries: Researchers are often passionate and dedicated, but it's crucial to set boundaries between work and personal life. Resist the urge to check emails or work on your laptop during evenings and weekends. Disconnect and recharge, letting your mind and body rest from the constant demands of research.

  • Utilize Technology: Technology can be a powerful tool for work-life balance. Use calendar apps, time management software, and automation tools to streamline your tasks and reclaim precious time. Remember, technology should serve you, not the other way around.

  • Embrace the Power of "No": Saying "no" to requests, collaborations, or additional projects can be difficult, but it's necessary to protect your time and well-being. Learn to decline gracefully and prioritize your existing commitments. Your health and happiness are worth it.

  • Find Your Support System: Research can be a solitary pursuit, but you don’t have to do it alone. Build a strong support network of colleagues, mentors, and family members who can offer encouragement, advice, and a shoulder to lean on.

  • Celebrate Your Achievements: Researchers often focus on what they haven't accomplished yet, neglecting to celebrate their successes. Take time to appreciate your progress, big or small. Acknowledge your accomplishments and reward yourself for reaching milestones.

  • Remember, Research is Not Your Life: While research may be your passion, it's important to remember that it's not your entire identity. Invest in hobbies, interests, and relationships outside academia. These pursuits will enrich your life and provide a sense of perspective beyond the lab or the library.

  • Seek Help If Needed: If you're struggling to find balance or are feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to seek help. Talk to a therapist, counselor, or even a career coach. There are resources available to support researchers and help them navigate the challenges of work-life balance.

Finding work-life balance as a researcher is a continuous journey, not a one-time destination. By implementing these tips, prioritizing your well-being, and embracing the ups and downs of your research life, you can create a sustainable career path that allows you to thrive both in the lab and in the rest of your life. Remember, a well-rested and balanced researcher is a more productive and impactful one, so take care of yourself, and your research will flourish.


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