Unleashing the Power of Visual Learning

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23 May, 2023

Have you ever wondered how much a human brain can hold? Well, the answer is limitless. No wonder there is so much to remember and so much to forget. Do we really remember everything that we grasp? Well, we almost have a better hold on the memories that are close to our heads and hearts. Our brain indeed has the immense capability of translating representations. Do we even know that we do so much encoding and decoding every day? We do an array of physical and mental activities, and these impact our capacity to decide the difference we wish to make in situations. 

The human brain has grasp types that are encoded in motor cortex areas. The number of objects that we come across activates the frontoparietal areas of the brain. Grasping is an exchange of information between neural representations and the properties of objects. These stages are identified as observation, execution, and release. That concludes that whatever we do comes from a well-decoded observation!

Visuals are the best coded and remembered forms of grasped information that have immense power of recollection. Ever wondered why entertainment comes in the form of visual representations and moving objects? No wonder we remember them as our best memories and capture them as moments. Visual studies is the science of converting information into interesting visual arts such as film, photography, and performances. 
According to the Visual Teaching Alliance: 

"The brain can see images that last for just 13 milliseconds". 
"Our eyes can register 36,000 visual messages per hour".
"We can get a sense of a visual scene in less than 1/10 of a second".
"90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual".
"Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text".
"40 per cent of nerve fibres are linked to the retina".
Real-world objects are the ones we relate to every day and can be the most memorable of all. There are these memorable objects that influence most of our behavior and decisions. The texts are grasped well, but the recollections are scant. Whereas a simple, recognizable imagery story that is well structured can be grasped and fondly recollected. 

Visual learning makes use of many different ideas to reach out to the complex areas of the human brain, i.e., the cognitive nature of visuals. The power of visual learning helps in discovering the ideas that originate in the human brain, connecting with the story, transferring ideas, connecting to human thoughts, recording lessons learned, and engaging in impactful learning. Visual learning has so many ways to express the given information into tables, charts, images, colours, designs, etc. This helps awaken our cognition and impacts us long-term psychologically. Inner awakening empowers mindfulness and reduces cortisol levels.

Ever imagined the inscriptions made in historical times? There was so much in the civilizations that had to be conveyed to future generations. The future that we are a part of has come from the different literature and texts that make the most of today. Carving a message on stone stays in the memory of the ones that conveyed it to us, and we decipher the emotion, tone, picture, text, and message.

We, as humans, have the power to express ourselves through so much thought and action. A lot to deliver and a lot to hold. We meditate, chant, attend seminars, workshops, and get therapies to awaken our minds to the peace of our lives. We have so much to say before time runs out!

So let’s get out there and make life more creative and colourful!


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