Helping the Hunger

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08 February, 2023

Poverty has been a global issue, and we will see people all around the world that lack the means to satisfy their basic needs. Society plays a major role in the poverty the world faces today. One’s income, consumption, and welfare depend on those of others in society. There are several negative conditions associated with living in poverty, and one of them is being diagnosed with mental disorders. Anxiety and depression have been shown to be consistently associated with measures of poverty. Low socioeconomic status transmits risk to the next generation.

People experiencing homelessness are usually ignored, isolated, and even become victims of violence. Homeless people have the stigma that they are lazy and don’t want to work. However, in reality, they aren’t able to find a job for various reasons, or the job they have doesn’t pay them enough to meet their basic needs. There are people who work regularly, sometimes holding multiple jobs, yet live in poverty because their wages are low. Homeless people are more vulnerable to negative experiences associated with social stigma on the streets, such as low self-esteem, isolation, feeling trapped, and suicidal ideation, with added guilt or self-blame due to their homeless status. Society focuses on the individual as the cause of his or her own state of homelessness, blaming the victim rather than focusing on the larger social and economic forces.

Many people suffering from poverty are seen as being lazy, but in reality, many of them work several jobs and are still financially struggling. Evidence shows that many of those suffering from poverty hold multiple jobs and are still struggling with low income. People who are suffering with low socioeconomic status are seen as having a harsh life and appearing depressed, so they are presumed to be more deserving of assistance. It’s imperative not to stereotype them and push them away. It would be very helpful to them if we helped with what we could.

There is a stereotype about people suffering in poverty and homeless people that they are being lazy and not working hard enough. However, it’s important to help those in need at least get back on their feet. Most of them have tried everything they can and have lost hope. Studies also indicate that the very act of giving back to the community boosts your happiness, health, and sense of well-being. Evidence also suggests that food causes suffering and poor health and also impedes progress in many other areas of development, like education and employment.

Another reason why we should help people who are in need is because poverty and homelessness are not someone else’s issue; they have a ripple effect throughout the community. Evidence shows that it impacts the availability of healthcare resources, crime and safety, the workforce, and the spending of public funds. Homelessness puts people at higher risk of victimization, poor health, loneliness, and depression, which can lead to chemical dependency, crime, and a host of other issues.

Poverty is not the problem of one person but of the whole nation, so we need to stand together and help as much as we can. 

Help the needy, be kind, and spread love; you will truly love that feeling.☺


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