Entertainment: A Light of Hope and Happiness

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07 October, 2022

When we are forced to encounter hardships, any light of hope, no matter how dim, is what we focus on. The reason for that is our faith that everything happens for a reason, and our own existence is just a story of strength and endurance that we share with the following generations. Any tale, fictional or true, may help us, or even be a reason that one of us overcame a major obstacle in his life. 

For me, films and movies are a daily routine in my life. They motivate me, help me, or may even guide me to stay focused and highly motivated to achieve my goals and dreams. My whole life, I’ve watched animated series, and up till now, I still do. No matter how busy or tired I am, I still make time to watch. They may help to shift focus from overreacting to issues, help calm down, motivate and even cheer up many people. 

Whether I’m feeling down, angry, sad, depressed or happy, I always follow my daily routine of watching films or series. Many people read books to explore where their imagination can take them. Modern technology not only helps in expressing but also helps in visualizing these scenarios. Many animated series are dramatic and cause a lot of people to cry. Some are really funny and may cause you to stay up all night laughing. For me, I don’t have a main genre to watch. It's all about the mood I’m in.

The reason why I love this subject is that I faced a lot of hardships in my childhood and I sought solace in these works. Sometimes I get carried away and may stay up all night binge-watching a series just to see if my predictions come true or not. Learning from the main character that giving up is not an option, and whatever your mind can conceive, you can achieve.

Not only myself, but my friends and family are now big fans of the cinema industry. Together we sit and watch our favorite shows, and go to the cinema together. This plays a major role in having quality time with friends and family, which is something very positive to focus on. We wait weekly for our favorite show’s new episodes to air, so we watch together and get into debates and make predictions and theories about the plot and where it is going. The main characters are always under judgment from the watchers, which may result in disputes.

Cinema is just a book with pictures, and modern technology has proved that. Whether you sit and read two thousand pages or watch for five hours, the mind is focused on one thing: what can I learn?

What can I learn? I can learn that all hardships will end, rights will always be right, you are strong, the world is a beautiful place, you are enough, everybody has a story, don’t judge anybody, all hardships will pass, and all are equal. Whether you read or you watch, we are both using the most important tool we have, our imagination.


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