Athena Global Education Introduces a New Course to Kindle the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Press Release
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05 May, 2021

UniAthena gives an opportunity to students who want to bring something new to the workplace through its course:  Masters in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. It is particularly suited for anyone who has an entrepreneurial spirit and wants to override traditional ways of doing things.
The innovative entrepreneur is one who creates and establishes businesses that have far-reaching economic and social impact. The Masters in Innovation and Entrepreneurship program imparts essential skills and knowledge of effective strategies to create and manage innovative businesses. The course will teach you how to think and behave like an innovator and an entrepreneur and provide you the necessary tools to formulate and critically assess your business idea.  It shows you how to develop new and innovative products and successfully launch them into the market.  It will also enable you to understand the significance of Innovation in the entrepreneurial journey and help you identify different ways in which innovation can give rise to sustainable and impactful organizations by breaking paradigms and creating opportunities you never imagined. Through this course, you learn to apply various frameworks of innovation to effectively implement and evaluate change.

It is a 60 ECTS course, comprises 7 modules and one Project awarded in partnership with Guglielmo Marconi University Italy. It introduces the learner to  Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and its modules include Human Resource Management and Leadership, New Venture Development, Finance for Entrepreneur, Design Thinking, Product Development and Marketing and Capstone Project. It can be completed in 9-24 months.

Interested students can write to the Admissions Team at or chat with the Admission Counsellor on WhatsApp to know more about this very relevant course.


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