My experience with the Executive MBA programme has been nothing short of exceptional. The course was well-structured, engaging, and easy to follow. The information was provided in a straightforward and concise manner, making it simple to comprehend. The course resources, which included videos, texts, and interactive tasks, were carefully designed and aided me in solidifying my comprehension of the subject, while igniting my interest in new subjects.
The tutors supported me throughout the learning experience and were quick to respond, accessible, and always eager to help with any questions or problems. They provided invaluable guidance and assistance, and I am grateful for their expertise and commitment to my success.
My supervisor, Ankita Jawalkar, was an invaluable source of guidance and support throughout the research and dissertation writing process. Her expert knowledge and wisdom were instrumental in helping me navigate the complexities of the research process and produce a high-quality dissertation, contributing towards me achieving a distinction. I appreciate her efforts and commitment to helping me achieve my academic goals.
Overall, the Executive MBA programme exceeded my expectations and equipped me with valuable knowledge and skills that will serve me well in my future academic and professional pursuits.