"My Executive MBA journey started two years ago. At that time, I was still confused about the learning path but also excited about what I would learn throughout the course. One of my difficulties was writing assignments and dissertations in the English language. Although I had learned some short courses in English before, I had never written any long assignments or theses in English. But my tutor, Ms. Krishnaprya, helped me correct my writing skills in the first modules; thus, my writing skills improved. In the last and most important module, the dissertation, I was stuck with ideas and my way of working. Fortunately, my tutor, Ms. Sanjeeta Thapa, helped me so much in expressing my ideas, instructing me to write the dissertation, and interacting frequently to ensure that I would complete the dissertation in the best way possible. Furthermore, before doing the Viva, she and other examiners advised me to put my best foot forward on the Viva day. Due to their support, I was able to deliver a successful presentation. I appreciate Ms. Sanjeeta Thapa for her diligent support. Upon receiving the dissertation grade, which was beyond my expectations, I was so excited that all my efforts were worth it. I want to give special thanks to UniAthena for offering an outstanding study platform that helps students like me earn MBAs online at affordable prices.
Big thanks to Ms. Sanjeeta Thapa! You are not only a meticulous tutor but also an inspirational professor with many ideas.