Book Review: The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life by Robin Sharma

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20 July, 2023

The 5 AM Club is a book that teaches you how to wake up early and use the first hour of your day to boost your productivity, health, and happiness. The book is based on a concept that Robin Sharma introduced over twenty years ago and has helped many successful people achieve extraordinary results.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading all 17 chapters of the book and found particular value in the 10th chapter, which I will highlight here as a key learning..

The four focus areas of Visionaries are Capitalization IQ, freedom from distraction, Personal mastery practice, and Day stacking.

"I know my productivity, gratitude, and calmness would improve so much if I had some personal time every morning before it all gets so hectic."

Yes, you read it right.

"An hour of myself every morning to reflect and prepare would be a game Changer for my art and for my life."

The book follows the story of two struggling strangers, an entrepreneur and an artist, who meet an eccentric billionaire who becomes their mentor and teaches them the secrets of the 5 AM Club. Through his guidance, they learn how to rise before dawn and spend the first hour of their day in three segments: 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of reflection, and 20 minutes of learning. They also learn how to master the four interior empires of mindset, heartset, healthset, and soulset, and how to apply the 10 rituals of lifelong genius and the 5 habits of happiness to their lives.

The book is a blend of fiction, inspiration, and practical advice that will challenge you to change your habits and mindset and achieve your full potential. The book is full of stories, anecdotes, quotes, and insights that will keep you engaged and motivated. The book also provides some tools and resources that you can use to implement the 5 AM Club principles in your own life.

It tells the story of two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric billionaire who becomes their mentor and guides them through a series of lessons and practices to join the 5 AM Club. Along the way, they learn about:

  • The benefits of rising early and having a morning routine.
  • The 20/20/20 formula for spending the first hour of your day in three segments: exercise, reflection, and learning.
  • The 4 interior empires of mindset, heartset, healthset, and soulset that you need to master to live a fulfilling life.
  • The 10 rituals of lifelong genius that you can apply to improve your performance and creativity.
  • The 5 habits of happiness that you can cultivate to increase your joy and gratitude.

Overall, The 5 AM Club is a book that will inspire you to wake up early and use the first hour of your day to boost your productivity, health, and happiness. 

"Everyone holds his fortune in his own hands; like a sculptor, the raw material he will fashion into a figure. The skill to mould the material into what we want must be learned and attentively cultivated."


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