What Makes Hazard and Safety Management so Crucial Today?

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15 November, 2022

The term "worker safety," which also goes by the names "environmental safety" and "occupational health and safety," describes the practice of providing employees with a risk-free place to work as well as protective tools, rules, and protocols.

Since the year 2020, workplace safety has risen to the forefront of many companies' minds. This was the time when increasing numbers of people were becoming sick due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and companies were finding it tougher to communicate with their frontline and deskless workers due to the rise of remote work and scattered workplaces. According to a poll conducted by The Hartford Financial Services Group, "a family member who has been wounded on the job, needing medical treatment," is present in 58% of blue-collar homes.

The protection of employees in the workplace has risen to the forefront of many companies' concerns. Today employers are looking for innovative approaches to ensure the health and safety of their workers, whether they are based in an office, a warehouse, or elsewhere. This blog post will discuss the importance of hazard identification, as well as some of the most effective methods for creating risk-free workplaces. In addition to the ethical need for businesses to provide risk-free workplaces, failing to do so may have severe repercussions for their bottom line.

The Importance of Keeping Your Workplace Safe

Workplace safety is a major factor in the achievement of several key performance indicators. That is to say, fewer hazards in the workplace leads to lower occupational health expenditures, more employee retention and satisfaction, shorter periods of downtime for workers, and shorter periods of time spent retraining them.

Now, let's go even further into why workplace safety is so crucial.

Employee Retention

Workers value secure workplaces because it shows that they are valued by their employers. Employees who have a sense of security in the workplace are more dedicated to their jobs and tend to remain with the same company for longer. People who don't feel secure at work or who have had accidents at work are considerably more inclined to look for new employment.

Company Finances

Companies can expect a $4 return on every $1 they put into improving worker safety, according to the Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index. This makes sense given the potential financial devastation an on-the-job injury may cause for an employer. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) mandates that all businesses provide safe working environments for their employees. Serious legal and financial consequences might result from disregarding OSHA's laws and recommendations.

Employee Productivity

When workers don't have to worry about being hurt on the job, they're able to focus more on their task, and they end up being more productive overall. When potential dangers are removed from the workplace, workers are more likely to feel involved in their task and give it their all.

Company Reputation and Employer Branding

The employer brand and the ability to recruit and retain top personnel suffer greatly when a company fails to invest in workplace safety. In addition, the public, the company's rivals, and the consumers themselves may see the business as unprofessional. So fewer people apply for employment, and the best ones look elsewhere.

UniAthena has made significant strides to improve workplace safety by educating everyone on the significance of hazard and safety management and the measures that must be done to protect workers.


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