Hybrid Learning: A Paradigm Shift in the Learning Process

30 July, 2022

Teaching and learning is a dynamic process that demands constant invention of methods of teaching to facilitate easy learning. How best the learners could imbibe the lessons has intrigued every generation of teachers. The quest for ideal methodology has led teachers to relentlessly innovate with methods and do experiments in the classrooms.

In contemporary times, technology has brought in a great transformation in the method of teaching. Adoption of new technology in pedagogy has led to a paradigm shift in teaching and learning process. Technology-aided teaching and learning has mainstreamed new concepts, such as Hybrid Learning which refers to a mode of learning that includes both in-person and remote learning simultaneously.

As a method, the conventional classroom teaching is moderately losing its appeal with the advent of Hybrid Learning. Resort to technology-aided methods, such as video lessons, online assignment, app-based learning, and online classes through Zoom or Google Meet, and use of digital platforms, is gaining traction among the learners. In terms of course delivery, Hybrid Learning is having a deep impact on the education sector with an increasingly large number of institutions turning to such methods instead of remaining clung to the traditional classroom delivery.

Hybrid Learning has become topical in recent years especially because of the COVID-induced lockdown of educational premises. This has, indeed, dented the predominance of in-person learning which has been the norm for centuries. Remote learning along with conventional classroom learning is becoming the new norm.

Not so long ago many of us were unfamiliar with online learning, or the more preferred ‘remote learning’. Who would have imagined attending a class sitting at home or going through the lessons as per one’s own convenience? Modern technology has enabled Hybrid Learning whereby the learners could choose to attend the classrooms remotely. Hybrid Learning, therefore, has affected a great transformation in pedagogy.

Advantages of Hybrid Learning

Hybrid Learning, like other big changes that take place in human society, has its share of resistance. Nonetheless it is steadily catching up with the masses. Hybrid Learning has some advantages which are worth noting:

  • Learning with technology: Hybrid Learning promotes technology-enabled learning which removes physical barriers and supports different types of learners. It removes the inhibition of students who are shy and mostly reticent in classroom settings.
  • Flexibility: Flexibility is one of the major benefits of Hybrid Learning. It literally enables students to learn from anywhere. It enables students to attend classes remotely even if they are sick. If they miss the lessons they can catch up with it later.
  • Optimum use of resources: Through Hybrid Learning, resources can be optimised. Since it combines different methods of teaching and sources of information, the students can easily identify what works best for them. They can save time and energy by focusing on their distinct learning styles.
  • Effective learning: Hybrid Learning promotes effective learning. It enables students to remain in their personal best and makes them not feel intimidated by the presence of people around. It removes the classroom-induced psychological barrier to learning. It also helps in overcoming the fear of speaking in public.
  • Greater accessibility: Accessibility is one of the strongest virtues of Hybrid Learning. Students do not have to travel to schools each day to be present in the classroom. Hybrid Learning has enabled education more accessible with online learning platforms; students enjoy the advantage of choosing to attend the best of educational institutes across the world.

Hybrid Learning, undoubtedly, brings many advantages in facilitating enhanced learning and acquisition of knowledge. Nevertheless it has its own drawbacks which may adversely affect the learners. One of the major demerits of remote learning is the lack of participation. Students who continue to learn remotely remain deprived of the benefits of peer interaction. They prefer seclusion and develop fear of public speaking. Such students may suffer from low self-esteem and lack confidence.

Time management is another problem that remote learning engenders. Those who learn remotely may inadvertently develop procrastination because of learning in a flexible environment which gives primacy to self-paced learning rather than prioritising timely accomplishment of tasks.

Hybrid Learning nonetheless is still in its infancy. It may not completely remove in-person learning but surely will continue to evolve in the future even if it has some demerits of its own. It is particularly advantageous when in-person learning will be constrained by some uncontrollable factors. It also offers the chance to attend institutions of repute across the globe where attending in-person is not feasible for everyone. Hybrid Learning, certainly, has brought in a paradigm shift in the learning process across the globe!


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