The manuscripts submitted shall be in accordance with the stated guidelines.

Instructions for Submission

  • The submitted article should not be under consideration for publication in any other conference or journal.
  • It should not be previously published in any journal or publication either offline or online or presented in any conference anywhere.
  • The author must strictly follow the guidelines provided for writing the article.
  • In-text citations must follow the Harvard Referencing Style. It is advised that the references are arranged alphabetically, be placed at the end of the manuscript. Check all your citations for completeness, accuracy and consistency. Refer 
  • The manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word format only (no other format will be accepted). 
  • Papers complete in all respects should be typed in Times New Roman font style with a font size of 12 in 1.5 space. The word limit should not exceed 5000 words. Manuscripts complete in all respects should be submitted in English.

Structure of the Manuscript

The manuscript submitted should be structured as follows: 

  • Title
  • List of authors, their affiliations and email addresses
  • Keywords
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Results/Findings
  • Conclusion
  • Statements and Declarations
  • References
  • Appendix

If there are any concerns or requests for information on the manuscript submission process, kindly mail to the Editor-in-Chief Dr. Sree Lakshmi at