Five Steps to Choosing the Best Learning Path For You

18 January, 2022

If you’re struggling to decide which learning path to take, you’re not alone. Deciding where to go next in your educational journey can be incredibly difficult, and with more options available than ever, sometimes we can suffer from choice paralysis when making this critical choice. 

In this article, I’ll discuss five ways to help you determine which is the best learning path for you. Hopefully, after some food for thought, you’ll feel equipped to make a choice and embark upon the next exciting chapter. 

1. Think About Your Strengths

What are you good at? If you are particularly skilled at something, either something academic or more practical, this could be a good indicator of where your learning path should take you next. Alternatively, what makes you happy? What do you enjoy? “If you truly have a passion for something, becoming skilled at it will be easier as you will be more inclined to put in the hard work,” advises Jimmy Nunes, tutor at UK Services reviews and State of writing.

Make a list of your skills and the things you enjoy. Physics, building things, gardening, talking to people, painting – whatever it is, however big or small, it’s relevant. 

2. Assess Your List

Once you’ve created the list mentioned in the point above, it’s time to review what you’ve written. Take a step back and see if you can identify any overarching themes or patterns to your skills and interests. Sometimes it’s difficult to make this assessment yourself, so it can be worth asking someone who knows you well to work through this list with you. 

After identifying the themes, create a new list; this time, a list of roles that include some of the themes you’ve just determined. For example, if you notice that a lot of your skills and interests relate to helping people, your list could include roles such as a nurse, doctor, and so on. 

3. Research

Now that a list of potential career avenues has been drawn up, it’s time to do research into what these careers actually entail. 

Online research can be helpful to ascertain a general idea of what the job involves, what sort of qualifications or experience the role needs, and the level of pay you should expect. However, nothing quite compares to information directly from the horse’s mouth. If you can, try to speak to people who work in the roles you’ve identified. Friends of parents, or even parents of friends, are a good place to start.

“Reaching out to local businesses could work, too. Some companies offer students the chance to shadow an employee for a day or two to get a feel for what the job involves,” says Ted Johnson, educator at Elite assignment help and OX Essays.

4. Look Into Your Options

After deciding on a particular role, or roles, that interest you, the next step is to research how to get there. If it involves further study, look into the institutions that offer relevant courses and if these are feasible options for you. 

Once you’ve found a course that ticks all the boxes, see if the college or university offers the opportunity to meet a current student. It will give you the chance to ask questions that may not be answered in the official promotional literature. 

5. Put Your Research Into Motion

After following the first four steps in this list, you should have a few options that could be the best learning path for you. The final step is to start putting your plan into action.

Speak to anyone who can help you achieve your goals. Family and friends are a good place to start, but a career counselor or admissions tutor for the program you’re interested in could also give you some invaluable advice. 


After working through these steps, you should have a clear idea about the best learning path for you. If you’re still struggling, try revisiting these steps with a fresh mind and see if that helps to inspire you. Choosing a path to follow can be incredibly difficult, and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. However, given enough time, things will become clear, and you will find a learning path that is an impeccable fit for your skills and passions. 

Christina Lee
Writer and Project Manager


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